
Friday, June 25, 2004

Fahrenheit & Dynamite

Well today's the day Fahrenheit 911 opens nationwide. Got my tickets last night; today is sold out everywhere in Seattle, I'm going Saturday night. I hope everyone goes... I hope we blow The Passion of the Christ out of the fucking water.
Yes, most have Fahrenheit 911 on their radar, but there is an odd, odd, odd, strange, little movie called Napoleon Dynamite. I saw this as a free preview and was stunned at how entertaining it was. If you ever liked Revenge of the Nerds, if you were the slightest bit of a dork before dork could be fathomed as cool, then check out this movie. If you're a bohunk or a princess, don't go, it will seem stupid. For the others, this is an instant classic, check it out.


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