
Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Immune To Traffic Violations

Man, the cops can't yank the trigger *shivers* with their ticket books when they pull me over. Warnings Warnings Warnings, that's all I get; not a single ticket in my life. Only fistfuls of different fashions of warnings. Last night I was pulled over for the first time while riding my scooter. Kinda funny seeing 2 cop cars lined up behind a little scooter on a neighborhood street. So how did I initiate this? Not very exciting law breaking, a questionable breach of right of way around a Traffic Circle. For the record, I flashed the international "turn on your lights, monkey boy" signal as the 2nd cop started driving away without them burning. Now I'm not claiming to have done anything I haven't, but I can't help be recognize my efforts to improve the community I live in... I mean, we each have to contribute however we can.


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