
Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Veep Debate

I was not impressed with John Edwards. While I vehemently disagree with the actions of the current administration, I believe Cheney won the debate. Republicans have to be happy...that is until they are reminded that their presidential candidate is actually Bush.
*To be honest, it seems that it would be much more appropriate for Kerry and Cheney to debate. Neither Bush nor Edwards conveyed thier tickets positions very well.


At 10/06/2004 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree, though not quite the same level of disappointment. He's no John Kerry, but he held up well against a formidable opponent. But the only reason I would admit that Cheney "won" (and I don't admit that) is because he is so staunch in his aggressive posture towards terrorists, and that's all that many people care about, and that was the only worthwhile 20 minutes of the debate. You can shout down anyone and make it seem like you won, but further reflection will still reveal that your platform is flawed. What else could Edwards do in the face of such stalwartness but put his thumb on top of his fist and punch it into the air and vow, perhaps hollowly, to kill terrorists?

At 10/07/2004 10:51 AM, Blogger happyweasel said...

"put his thumb on top of his fist and punch it into the air and vow"
That's funny... I've been trying to mimic that motion over that coupla days and can't quite perfect it... the shame of it is that not many others find my impression of him very entertaining... perhaps i should work on jimmy durante, that'd get the laughs
I didn't listen to any of the immediate "analysis" after the debate, but I am somewhat surprised at how much of a draw, even irrelevant the VP debate has been playing in newspapers. Heavy emphasis on fact checking.


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