
Monday, April 11, 2005

Slices Of The Weekend

There I am, near Deception Pass, practicing my champion stone skipping toss. Later, some 8yr/old challenged me to a skip off... I said only for a dollar. Her mom later refused to pay me, bitch. Also, those jeans there, Levis 501 Shrink to Fits, best jeans in the world. The full expirience. They are a year and a half old and are still becoming more comfortable... yet they wear like iron.

The green tea is free, drink as much as you can.

Tulips in motion, Skagit Valley

Yes, It'za Sunday, that's my fun day.

Last September I resolved to swim at least once a month in the Puget Sound for an entire year. Well, I wasn't too successful in that endeavor as this is my first splash since then. This photo is a perfect illistration of how to enter mind-numbingly cold water... haul ass straight plow tumble swim in. I had between 2 and 4 swim strokes; the exact number, I don't know, it was brief flailing then out. Definitely a swim, though, I was horizontal, floating, and self propelling... even felt a breathing wave carry me up and lower me down. Just 11 more months to go.


At 4/13/2005 2:23 PM, Blogger happyweasel said...

if it's so high you can't get over it... so low you can't get under it... so wide you can't get around... so thick, oh shit... you're stuck


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