
Friday, May 06, 2005

5 Days & My Body's Hollow

So I'm working on my 5th day sans nIcOtEnE. There are some others participating in the sMOKEoUT ... &YP (aka Ando Palrisian), Bocce Matt, and the fake smoker, Ugly (aka AMC Eagle). Aren't we just a bunch of suckers. Smoking a cigarette should be as healthy as munching on a carrot (which I have been doing...)
It seems I have a lot more time to devote to my many miscellanious things, but it's been very difficult to concentrate on any single activity for more than 10minutes. Last night we played some bocce... My throws were little better than random. Shaky hands, arms, knees, and hips.
Yesterday was Cinco De Mayo... and 1st Thursday. The parks and arts here get excited and pollenate eachother every 1st Thursday. The hoards of people in Occidental Square didn't smooth our already troubled, nicotene starved nerves. Still we plodded forward with our short game... even acted completely out of character and let 4 spastic 10yr/old roll a round, measured for the win. The dad/supervisor person was a happy/appreciative hippie guy.
I tried to put these old Schwinn type handebars on my recently aquired mountain bike. While it looked pretty cool, there were several complications. The original bars are back on... just not a fan of mountiain bike handles bars... will I get used to them? I hope so. Bought a bike helmet for the first time since Junior High... that's an investment... lately, my brain seems a bad investment.
Observations from my not smoking:
1. I haven't been nearly as angry as I'd anticipated. Bodily agitation. Feels like I'm living with low blood sugar all the time.
2. I've been consoling myself with food (bad food and good food... but need food) & LARGE quantities of caffeine. Last night at 2:30am i went to the store to buy 2 varieties of milk and a small container of GreenTea RIce-cream. Milk for today, RIceCream for Me... last night... at least part of it was.
3. I'm sleepy but can't sleep right. Sleep early, wake, sleep, wake...
4. My Stomach and intestines aCHe. They work fine, but periodically hurt real bad, deep inside.
5. My emotional mind is unhealthy. I attribute this to being addicted to a chemical and removing it from my system... that and my overarching disappointment with myself.
6. Why haven't I seen any movies? On my flights I saw, House of Flying Daggers ***1/2, Finding Neverland ***1/2, National Treasure *** (entertainment)... but nothing since then, weird. Probably ought to go see Palindromes
7. My "new" "horse of an air corn popper" "as coffee roaster" has been a spectacular success. Earlier this week I got 8lbs of green coffee beans from Sweet Marias and have been expirimenting.
8. Haven't actually tried to figure this out, but would like to post a short video here. Slideshow of my France trip with a voiceover.
9. Really hoping the physical addiction pain doesn't last forever.
10. Not Smoking is Boring


At 5/07/2005 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck. I'm rooting for you. Whenever I try to cure myself of bad habits -- mainly food -- I find myself searching and searching for any justification to relapse. I can find the most logical ones, so logical that it seems I would be a fool NOT to relapse. But I am always wrong. Don't give in.

At 5/09/2005 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember that all those sensations are impermanent, even those horrid nicotine addiction ones, practice observing them like a good person who has taken a vipassana meditation course...


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