
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Badminton Wimper

man, so myself and 2 others plod 12 blocks up and down a couple of pretty significant hills to discover that no one else had shown up. Not to be detered, in spite of being the only one of my group that actually wanted to play, and with just a single badminton racket at our disposal, I set up the net and went at it.
In the supply closet were birdies and a couple of racketball rackets. So after recovering from the combination of cigarettes and sprinting 5 laps, we started playing. For the record, I have a general natural ability in every racket sport and the girls I was playing with are fairly uncoordinated. So while I was the dominate force, it was less than satisfying. Apparently all the kooks show up on Friday nights. It won't happen this Friday or next, but soon after there will be all out battliing on the badminton court.


At 7/01/2004 12:57 PM, Blogger happyweasel said...

weeellll... the confidence one gains from being 4hours by plane away. you're invited to coem here and put those words on the line. i'll make sure you're not drunk so as you won't have an excuse this time.


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