
Friday, December 03, 2004

I'm The Wild One

ok, so I've been half looking for a black leather jacket for months now. Only half looking 'cause the idea of me wearing leather kinda makes me laugh a bit. Am I man man enough? Am I even cool enough? Absolutely moot questions at this point as I bought one last night. Now I don't know what kind of people you are, but I am a thrift store kid, through and throow. Weekly, I walk to my favorite thrift store that I've ever shopped. On 11th Ave, between Pike & Pine in Capital Hill... if you're in Seattle check it out, 3 stories of greatness. Well I have my own sorta routine when shopping there, looking at the leather jackets has been part of it for a while. Earlier this week I decided that I probably couldn't pull off such outer wear. That's when, of course, I'm at my most vulnerable, once I've made my decision and acting to the contrary. So I'm at the thrift store last night, my sense was it was gonna be another one of those empty handed shuffles out the door, worried an employee suspected me of lifting a $3 item. I made it to the leathers rack and the situation changed abruptly, and not on account of the familiar rotting, mildew smell that accompanies every thrift store leather supply. There, on the end of the rack, under a shining beacon hung a Schott Brothers Type MA-1 black leather jacket. It had "L" written on the tag, I usually take "M" but it looked about right. $35?!?!? This is a thrift store for crissake. I picked it up, it was heavy. Heavy duty leather, softened with use but not worn. I put it on, shit, it fits... arms maybe a tiny bit long, maybe, but damn.
Soon I will post pictures.
* oh, i forgot to say, the reason i wanted a leather jacket in the first place was 'cause i have and ride a scooter, 150cc. as my relatives frequently remind me, i don't have much "meat" on my bones. so if i laid the bike out without a hearty jacket my my skin would quickly shread away, my thin but efficient muscles quickly would follow, and then all i'd have would be bare bones. plus it's gettin' cold, oh so cold... the leather jacket is now the closest thing of mine to a proper winter coat.


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