
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

RE: a fare deal

ok ok ok
i keep going back and forth on my visiting... i'm probably coming soon but don't wager any future children on that prospect
but that ticket price is just goofy, don't know if i believe it... will look into it.
i kinda fucked up on something
gonna be an expensive endeavor once the bill arrives
working on a 1986 honda civic wagon... a friend was preparing to moving, i was taking over responsibility for the car in his garage/parking area thing place
presidents day weekend, 3 days
on the third day it rolled and hit another car's bumper as it was pulling out in the alley
big paint scratch
dear god am i an idiot. without details, rest assured it was my fault. so insanely thickheadedly stupidly my fault.
likely $1000, give or take... 'cause they havta paint the whole damn bumper.
didn't have insurance as... i was just working on the fucking car, for chirssake.
sometimes i just want to bang my head over and over and over and over and over on a very solid brick wall.
i shouldn't really be bogged down by it
things have been working in my favor since about last friday... solidly in my favor
plus bob dylan last night
and again tonight
holy crap, man...
amazing... minus One song that sucked like a hungarian whore [please understand, sometimes i may vocalize something and make it sound bigger than it was... my god, one song in 2 nights didn't light my fuse... THE SHOWS WERE UNBELIEVABLY GREAT... MORE ON A NEWER POST, ACTUALLY CONCERT REVIEW, hopefully :o) ]
weird 'cause every other song was stunning [ok, i already this... read italics]'baby blue'... don't particularly like it anyway, overplayed and dead, but this time it was almost laughable... stinky dylan impersonatoresque, flat, boring, and annoying
just really weird considering how good each and every other song was. the songs started as small skeletons but grew into giant blossomed trees of greatness. 4th time seeing him. 1st time without the lingering 'won't see him for a long time, damnit' feeling afterwards... that's because in less than 12hrs i get another show
I'm told the sound quality at The Paramount Theater rivals that at the opera/orchestra hall we have here in Seattle. never have seen a live rock show where the sound wasn't muddied to some degree... last night it was loud, but crystal clear. oh, there was this super straight laced guy sitting next to me. he wasn't very friendly so i called him a fucking wuss.
it really was a show, a performance. not just songs being played, subtley vaudvillian even... only subtly know what vaudviliian means, so there you go
merle haggard, too... i'll be damned,
$66 tickets before ticketmaster and taxes, all free to ME
take care
let's email more often
*sorry, just decided to put this on the blog because my email to you took up all i wanna give*


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