
Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Crash Bucket

Ok, I know badminton can't be the favorite topic for most, but it's been on the tip of my mind of late. Till recently, my only exerise has been walking, to work up the ladder to the Epic variety. Don't care if you chuckle, badminton is a sport and has it's advantages, one being no inbreed jock sorts.
Tonight only one other guy showed up. Fresh from China, Bejing 2 weeks removed. The dude kicked my ass over and over. 5 games to 15 over an hour and a half. The most I scored was 5, the least 2. So much for feeling invincable. Man, I think I get good enough at nearly every sport that I've every played to just suck. But I'll plod on; badminton is gonna be integral in my journey to quit cigarettes. I forget who said it, Red Skelton maybe, probably copped from a Woody Allen movie, "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it a 1000 times."
Has anyone seen the movie "Sleeper"? There is this great scene with Woody Allen and Diane Keaton acting out the climactic scene in "Streetcar Named Desire" with sex roles reversed. W.A. doing Blanche Debuah(sp???) and D.K. taking Brando's lines. If you know "Streetcar" watch "Sleeper" and let me know if I am crazy for thinking it is great...oh, I think it also has the Orgasmatron. "Sweet and Lowdown", with Sean Penn, is awesome too. It is amazing how things we enjoy get locked away so easily and reassert themselves with equal effort.


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