
Friday, May 19, 2006


Tonight, the Cavs can bust out the favs to win the NBA Championship.
Feel a bit negligent, my first and second cities growing up fighting it head to head in the playoffs and I haven't seen a single goddamn game of it. That's gonna change shortly.
Anyone remember Jordan hanging over Craig Ehlo, shooting the ball, time expiring with the ball arching, and the Bulls beating us? The Drive (Elway), The Fumble (Byner), The Strike (MLB), My Birth (expectations), and a seemingly endless string of unfortunate happenings in Cleveland Sports Lore.
Check out this ESPN article on subject
Win it for O-hi-o

Monday, May 15, 2006

My Bone, Me and All The Other Parts In Between

I'm Healed!

Today it was confirmed!
Over the last couple-a weeks I've been wearing the brace less and less
Yesterday I walked 20+ blocks, much uphill, without my brace
This was a first since getting the full torsoe orthotic brace... full... fucking... torsoe
Supposed to ween myself offa it for 2 weeks, but began early
Very conservative at first
Aggressive on Saturday and Sunday
2 months of physical therapy to make muscles and cement good posture
Now I know you wanna see a picture of me in my brace
Don't you?
Could be a little racy
But I ain't bashful

Monday, May 01, 2006

White House Correspondents' Association Dinner

Watch Steven Colbert as he does something I've never seen done. Keep in mind the GW is sitting 5, 6 feet away.
*3parts, 20+minutes*
This happened on Saturday... you may've seen the pictures of Bush with the dead on impersonator, Steven Colbert happened immediately after that.
Chicago Tribune article on Colbert's satire