
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Weekend Was Camping & Tomatoes

Car camping, I'll make that distinction, there may be an ambitious person out there who needs the clarification. I swam in 2 new bodies of water: The Dosewallips River & Lake Cushman. The river was shallow & cold with a strong current. It Flows from some place inside the Olympic Mountains. Following the lead of kids with families on the rocks, on my back I caught the current, letting it carry me. In Lake Cushman I swam heartily and lingered. The water was very clean and clear, not warm, not frigid, refreshing on a warm day. Rivalled Lake Chelan. I treaded water for at least 20mins next to a highschool waterpolo team lapping from the jetty we were on to the shore. They worked much harder than me, but still I became remarkably sore. Between us, Kathy and I ate a halfpound of smoked salmon. We bought some of the worst fish and chips ever in a fit of aching hunger and made a mighty tasty oyster stew the following night. Talked to a guy whose wife is part owner of an espresso hut. Had firewood that would light for a good 5 or 10minutes and then miraculously extinguish itself. Olympia has a citywide farmers market, this may not sound exciting, but it really is something of note. Huge and affordable. Much better than anything comperable in Seattle. Small melon, peaches, and a field ripened beefsteak tomato...hands down the best tomato that i've had in...i don't know, that is a difficult thing to date... guess I have a hard time finding good tomatos... I love a tomato...I remember, somewhere between the ages of 5 & 11, having a garden in a small clearing in the woods behind our house. This was a poor location as the sun didn't shine on the garden but for short periods because of the small size of the clearing. Don't know all that I planted there, but I do know that nothing grew. Nothing that is 'cept for a tomato plant that yielded a single tomato. I waited till optimum ripeness and yanked it. Not sure what to do with it, I asked my mother, she said, "Why don't you just eat it?" So I grabbed a shaker of salt and gobbled that thing down to a tiny little core.

Dead Man

Resaw Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man last night. I highly recommend it, an excellent movie. Please watch Jarmusch's movies, they're unique and very good. He's also from North East Ohio, what more?

Monday, August 30, 2004


I don't care what you say, I heard him speak


Last night I stayed awake
Saw an Irani movie, Leila
Good one, tragic and then uplifting
Resolution comes if you work for it
More often than not, it takes an unpredictable form
Reality is what it is; expectations are merely ideas of whats thought to be wanted.
Expectations, no matter how embedded, are ephemeral.
Reality is the only reality

Friday, August 27, 2004

Sleep Continued

My sleep is still really junked up. Fell asleep at 9:30, give or take. 1am seems like a faraway and fanciful place populated by gremlins and golden amulets. This week, though, I've gotten to know the unfamiliar 2, 3, 4, 5, and even 6am... not all the same day, of course. Well, maybe not "of course". I've long held the belief that days are too short to begin with, hence my usual adherence to 6hr sleeping nightly, but now numbers on the calender pass without hardly being recognized. Aug 26th? It may as well not have existed.
Some may see this as a positive, my evenings haven't been smoke shaded. Hopefully camping this weekend will remedy that.
Long nights, please include me again.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Ah, man...

Try this out:
Cursor Gnat
Someone just gave me the link...takes a little bit to load
Mess around with it till it says, "Again"

Infernal Noise Brigade

So after my second sleep of the night, I wake up, grab the paper, and damn, what's pictured on the bottom of the front page? The Infernal Noise Brigade: Seattle's greatest art project, by miles, during my stay here since early 1999. First heard them during the 1999 WTO Riots in Seattle... handful of times since... missed a fundraising party of their's this summer... would have been thrilling.

The photos are audio links from The Seattle Times... pictures are from this paper as well

If you live in New York, hunt them out during the Honky National Convention next week. They protest in a way that makes sign carriers and chanters seem insignificant... FIND THEM!!!!

*4 More Audio Clips, Still Much Better In Person*

*-*Aug 25 Seattle Times Article*-*


*Lifted directly from an email I just sent*
"my sleep has been all screwed up
somehow i disappear at 10:30pm and wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning, up for a little while and then to bed
i used to be bed at 1am up at 7"
EST for a week and then back to PST
I am currently very delerious and somewhat foggy
I do like this time of day
& Work in a few hours doesn't seem remotely real

Monday, August 23, 2004

Sourdough Pancakes & Waffles

MJM wants to have a Sourdough Pizza lesson, but I'm gonna work up to it.
This really is easy as hell [by the way, i plan on eliminating the word "fuck" from my blog, if i really feel the need to use it, i'll replace it with the word "junk", ok?].
*The same recipe is used for both Pancakes & Waffles, 100% the same
-I picked up a $2 waffle iron at a garage sale, an older one with a steel cooking surface. It works great. I'm not a fan of teflon or other nonstick coatings whenever I have a reasonable choice.
*The Sourdough Starter for this recipe is not used for leavening.
-No raw flour is used, only sourdough processed flour. There are fewer carbohydrates, and greater health benefits for reasons that I don't know.
*Also, regular pancake recipes use 2 eggs for the same portion, here only 1
-I might be crazy, but I think they are a substanially heartier food than the reg variety. They stay with me much longer
*Sourdough Pancakes are generally not known as "Sourdough Pancakes" rather plainly as "Sourdoughs", singular, "One Sourdough"
:In real life, most measurements are not strict:

Sourdough Pancakes & Waffles

2 cups Sourdough Starter : as per previous blog instructions
2 tbsp Sugar : evaporated sugarcane juice is healthiest and really tastiest
3to4 tbsp Oil : i use more in the 3 range just fine, would olive oil be good? i __________haven't tried it, i should
1 egg
1/2(half) tspn Salt
1 tspn Baking Soda
1. In a med/large bowl mix All Ingrediants But Baking Soda. I've found a wire hand whisk works best, especially for the next step...no need to dirty the electric beater.
2. Add Baking Soda 2 or 3 minutes before you toss them onto a hot pan
3. Baking Soda: Put 1 or 2 tbsp Warm water into a small jigger glass and disolve soda
4. Fold in Soda, Do Not Beat, lightly turn batter from top to bottom, bottom to top with whisk. Let the batter fill with air, double in size. The Soda acts as a leavening agent; it works fast so, again, do this right befroe cooking
Cooking Methods:
1. Stove Top: Just as you have made regular pancakes, flipping halfway through
2. Oven: Apparently this works well, traditional in some circles. On a hot griddle (iron maybe) bake pancakes @ 350deg F, not turning, and removing when done
3. Waffle Iron: In a well heated waffle iron, cook for 3mins, maybe up to 30sec more, I don't quite remember... this is my prefered method, I just love these waffles, they can be served with maple syrup or eaten plain. I've found the waffles to be extremely portable; waffles, fruit, and water are my standard foods for Epic Walks.
Hope you like them, I think they're damn good

I Don't Like What I'm Doing

It is tough on me sometimes. I don't know many people here in Seattle; days off to spend time with friends from a lifetime ago. I come back and just wonder what the hell I am aiming for... or maybe I'm letting myself get aimed. Everything is temporary, folks. From the juice I am drinking to the life I am living. It will all pass. I've gotta take responsibility on every level.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Mr. Physics & Writer Wedding

8 days after defending his doctoral thesis, Woody & Rachel married. In 2 weeks they move to France. I had a one day work week last week to spend some time with the both of them. More people arrived on Wednesday and later. Matt revealed his responsibility for a fetus inside his girlfriend, Debora's uterus. Note to self, do not rely upon biorythms as primary birth control.
Now I've been to a handfull of weddings in my life, generally enjoying myself during these occassions but this wedding gave me a giant glow of happiness. I need not explain how much Woody means to me, but I hope Rachel knows she's very special to me as well. In spite of my antisocial tendencies over the past few years, I am extremely fortunate to know so many quality people. As usual, it would have been nice to see Mike and Andy... I brought up both of you.
Like it or not, there will be a couple of wedding stories soon.
In honor of marriage (and as a result of not having a digital camera) here is a picture of my mother from 1989...well before being smited twice by marriage.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Some 70's Rock Music

Seventies Rock Bandsss That I've Been Liking:
1. Television, Marque Moon: Wow. Give this album a few listens, think it oughta grab you. There are a few guitar solos that nearly break the line into schmaltzy, but each whip back into the spectacular
2. The Modern Lovers, Modern Lovers: No matter how many times I've heard it, I won't get mad if it is playing again. Really ought to get offa my butt and hunt down some more... I know many people say only this album is in this league, we'll see

Seventies Rock Bands That Do Very Little For Me:
1. Big Star: sorry, i'm sure they are very good, but just don't resonate
2. Led Zeppelin: sorry, some of the hooks bring me close to liking them, but not all the way

Friday, August 13, 2004

Julia Child Died

We all knew her, Julia Child died early this morning.
I've periodically watched her on television throughout my life, I liked her.

Eight Backslash Thirteen

IF AUGUST 13 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: . . . You are trustworthy and people are attracted to your unique qualities. Those on the prowl may meet up with someone new and noteworthy while their charisma is at its peak. Faithful companions or loved ones will shower you with affection if you are already committed. Friday the 13th was historically considered somewhat spooky, but the aura around you is exceptionally upbeat.


Todays Birthdays Include:
William Caxton 1422; John Dyer 1699; Felix Adler 1851; Annie Oakley 1860; Karl Liebknecht 1871; Bert Lahr 1895; Alfred Hitchcock 1899; Regis Toomey 1902; Buddy (Charles) Rogers 1904; Gene Raymond 1908; William Bernbach 1911; Ben Hogan 1912; George Shearing 1919; Neville Brand 1920; Fidel Castro 1926; Pat Herrington 1929; Don Ho 1930; Bernard Manning 1931; Kevin Tighe 1944; Cliff Fish & Bobby Clarke 1949; Dan Fogelberg 1951; Scott Hamilton 1958; Danny Bonaduce 1959; Quinn Cummings 1967; William Thomas 1969; Me 1976

*H.G. Wells died on this day in 1946, he was 80.
*Sara Solomon's Step Father was born on this day, just don't know the year. He is a Federal Tax Judge and has a pair of the the coolest cufflinks I have ever seen, 2 pennies: the left cuff 1908, the right 1913... If I ever make it big, I'll have a pair of those made.
*Robin Klingshern, a girl I went to school with growing up, was born on this day. Interestingly, her mother and mine knew each other in Medina General Hospital as each were waiting the give birth. Equally interesting, they weren't buddies afterward, hmmm...

Friday August 13th

The luckiest possible day.
Good Luck Woody...going for his PHD of all things.
And Luck to those people who have today as a birthday *imaginary, leaping high-fives to all of you Aug 13ers*

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Resulting Cougar

My Courgar morphed into this monstrosity... with the help of arm twisted laborers:

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


I saw a perfect movie last night, Ikiru by Akira Kurosawa. Over the past several months I have seen Rashomon, Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, and Sanjuro, all of which are extremely good, but Ikiru instantly became my favorite... even though I can't be more specific, easily one my top 10movies; can't see why it wouldn't even be part of the top 5. For what it's worth, it is the only one of the batch that didn't have any otherworldly, kung fu fight scenes.

** Oh and I've seen Throne of Blood. I enjoyed this one as well. Kurosawa's movies should be watched

Cracked Up My Scooter

I ran into the back of a van, a large white van with a large steel bumper. Drivability has not been hampered, but the plastics that are my front end buckled and fell off. The van’s bumper gave no indication of the trauma caused to my bike. After work yesterday I had the urge to swim in the Sound. No, the lake wasn‘t good enough for me I needed the cold, salt water. Rode 20 minutes in afternoon traffic, eagerly anticipating that frigid rush over my body. Oh yes, to be refreshed. Traffic in my lane was slowing due to a bus stopping, I looked in my mirror and then over my left shoulder, I'll just change lanes and fluidly keep on my way. Going 5/10mph, just rolling, I came to an abrupt halt as did the van in front of me. The door opened, slowly yielding a man outta the driver side with a look that said, “what the hell did you do?” After scanning the situation, with a flat smile, “Looks like just you.” I said ya, and sorry, he drove off and I picked up the pieces.
Was gonna take Leary and bypass Market St and Ballard but for simplicity I took the main road. I took the University Bridge instead of the Ballard Bridge ‘cause I didn’t wanna deal with going down Denny from Capital Hill. Kathy was gonna come but didn’t want to, we’d drive her car; again, she didn’t want to, I, though, insisted it was fine to stay back, I’d ride. Of late, I play badminton on Tuesday, but I didn’t want to be inside during a steamy evening. Man, sometimes I wish, upon waking up, I’d realize something didn’t really happen…it has before.
It’s a shame, my first crackup on the roads. If I replaced all the plastic, it’d cost me ~$250, but with some ingenuity, jerryrigging, and borrowed tools, I think I can put it back together…stress, It Think. As it is, I’ll drive…it just looks like an Olympic sprinter with neither their nose or chin.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

250mb Hotmail Account!

Damn, they boosted it! All FREE, thanks to market pressure from G-Mail. 82% full earlier today, 1% now. Wonderful, spectacular, great!

Hell's Angels & Investment Biker

Finished reading Hell's Angels by Hunter S. Thompson on Sunday afternoon. Yesterday, in the mail I recieved Investment Biker from AMC Eagle for either goodwill or my birthday this Friday...the 13th... born on Fri 13th, 11:57pm... Woodrow is defending his dissertation on the same day... regardless of the reason, thanks, already hooked, 50pages in... plus it continues the motorcycle theme.
Hell's Angels is very entertaining near ethnography of The Hell's Angels in 1964 and 5. If you've read any of Thompson's Gonzo Journals, this is very different; he ain't blitzed outta his mind when writing. Reading this, I couldn't help but draw parallels with the reactions and fears The Angel's, communists and our now wild paranoias of terrorist infiltration have created. Thompson neither idealizes nor villifies the most famous motorcycle gang that wasn't led by Marlon Brando. They rape, borderline rape, create havoc, beat, and ingest giant amounts of alcohol and drugs. Juxposed against everyone and everything conventional except, mysteriously, they became pro government, anticivil rights, and anti-antiwar. If you read this book, you may come to a similar conclusion as I had that The Angel's were once twistedly authentic, but sold out so hard to the one's they were rebelling against that they became a joke. Loved reading about some of the rides and maddness; stomach knotted in response to extreme violence *sappy liberal here* especially towards women.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Jump Right In

It is an absolute certainty now. The easiest way to get over cold water is not to freak out but by barreling right in there. I've held this belief for a long time, at least as long as I can remember, but my practice of it has been rather wuss-like. It has been common for me to stand on the shore with water nipping at my feet, then deeper to my shins, then, slowly up to my knees and theighs, then brrrr, wow, it's a lot cold there, then shivering, fearing my plunge, then finally jumping in and realizing i should have just jumped in the first place.
Water is between 7 and 8 times colder if you slowly acclimate yourself to it, I now know this. I'd all but given up swimming in the Puget Sound, rrrrr, that bastard's cold, but I was all wrong, it really is not that bad at all. Today was windy and in the low side of hot. Went over to Golden Gardens, staked out a spot that was not part of the muscle scene, played rallyball to work up some heat, and then plowed into the water. Highstepped it. Lundged and dove. Wow, I love water...salt water even tasted comforting after the initial blast. Just don't swim as much as I would in an ideal world. This year, Lake Washington, 2 or 3 alpine lakes, Lake Chelan (oh how amazing it is) and the Puget Sound. * The list makes it sound like I'm in the water all the time, don't be decieved.
What is the body of water I miss the most? You guessed it, not Lake Erie(though good now that needles are no longer washing up):
Lake Michigan... many memories on and around Lake Michigan, hope to swim in you again.
Did you have a good weekend?

Friday, August 06, 2004

Dylan in the Furnaces

My like for the Fiery Furnaces continues to grow:
From: June 04, Pitchfork, Fiery Furnaces Interview:
"Pitchfork: Do you have any ideas for the next one?
Matt: Yeah, we're going to make two records. We're going to have one with our grandmother and Eleanor singing duets about the hopes that Eleanor has as a young person, and then my grandmother will tell her the failures and cruel blows fate delivered. They'll be the same person in the song-- sort of an "after time passes" kind of a thing. The other will be a rollicking record with long verses. Eleanor and I, for the last year, we've listened to a lot of Bob Dylan. Wouldn't you say, Eleanor?
Eleanor: That's pretty much all I've listened to. I wish we could make an album [like] Another Side of Bob Dylan where the songs would be so good that we could do it in about a day-and-a-half. I think it could be great, where it's just guitar-- that would be our most popular one.
Matt: Well, we can't do that until we get dropped. When you have somebody who'll give you money for a record, you can't... I mean, when it's just you, and you have to go over to a friend's house [to record], and you have $600 to spend, you have to wait to make something interesting. That's the record that you make then.
Eleanor: But then we could just take all the money...
Matt: You can't take all the money!
Eleanor: I'm just kidding."

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Numb By Random Photos

There are a few things I like in this world, pictures, images, visuals, these are included with many other few things. This site is just photos... random photos... sniped from publically accessable ftp folders. So shut off alla them lights, and give alla these photos your undivided attention, your imagination will bubble.

Thanks to whomever collected these & bizgirl for showing the way.

We can work something out

if you buy me this.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Who doesn't love old cowgirl pinups?

Immune To Traffic Violations

Man, the cops can't yank the trigger *shivers* with their ticket books when they pull me over. Warnings Warnings Warnings, that's all I get; not a single ticket in my life. Only fistfuls of different fashions of warnings. Last night I was pulled over for the first time while riding my scooter. Kinda funny seeing 2 cop cars lined up behind a little scooter on a neighborhood street. So how did I initiate this? Not very exciting law breaking, a questionable breach of right of way around a Traffic Circle. For the record, I flashed the international "turn on your lights, monkey boy" signal as the 2nd cop started driving away without them burning. Now I'm not claiming to have done anything I haven't, but I can't help be recognize my efforts to improve the community I live in... I mean, we each have to contribute however we can.

Monday, August 02, 2004

You See The Blue Moon?

Saturday night gave us our most recent Blue Moon. Across Lake Takhlakh, I saw the silhouette of Mt. Adams grow darker and darker as the sky behind developed into a glowing twilight. Nearly an hour and a half past the newspaper's stated time to rise, the moon broke past, not exagerating here, the highest point of the mountain. Broke may be a tame description, burst, exploded, ERUPTED!!! Just as a guitars body resonates the sound of its strings, the lake multiplied the light reflected offa the moon... Talk about being followed my a Moonshadow. Damn, it was cool...just not colored blue.

Fiery Furnaces In Concert-->GO

Now I know you are likely foolish in many endeavors, but please don't be when given the opportunity to see The Fiery Furnaces. Compliments of TheFieryFurnaces.net here are some new U.S. tour dates for my favorite band... not all of them, though, targeted to my giant readership:

September 2004
Fri 09/10/04----Boston, MA @ Paradise Rock Club
Fri 09/17/04----Chicago, IL @ Empty Bottle
Sat 09/18/04----Minneapolis, MN @ 400 Bar
Sun 09/19/04---Madison, WI @ The Annex
Thu 09/23/04---Columbus, OH @ Little Brother's
Fri 09/24/04----Washington, DC @ Black Cat
Sat 09/25/04----New York, NY @ Bowery Ballroom

Their show is gonna be cheap, just go see them... I'll reimburse $1 to anyone who thinks it was a waste of time... keep your ticket stub and be prepared to explain your foolishness.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

*---Directing The Evil Pumpkin Army--*