
Wednesday, November 24, 2004

4 Days, No Work

Praise everything that is sweet and delicious. Enjoy it however you may.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Burn Bridges

Please write derogatory comments on Mr. Palrisian's new blog until he writes another post.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Movies Go Round

1. Kill Bill vol 2 $8
I really thought I wouldn't like the Kill Bill movies, but I did. I was prepared for a barrage of violence. It came in the form of a massive number of people being killed in a variety of creative and methodical ways. Most by the hand of our hero, Black Mamba. There is quite a lot of violence, but it's tolerable. By far the opening of the first movie is the most disturbing scene.

2. The Bicycle Thief $9
I've this a few times. It's truely tragic but absolute magic.

3. The Assassination of Richard Nixon $6-7
ok, if you are on the brink of doing yourself in, I'd suggest avoiding this movie. Not entirely uplifting, er, it crushes your faith in everything. I still did kinda like it. Sean Penn's new movie [anyone else think Mystic River was a predictable, over dramatized, pile-o-crap?], saw it as a free preview. Sean Penn really can be an incredible actor. Woody Allen and Pennster merged in Sweet & Lowdown, one of my favorites.

4. The Day After Tomorrow $3
This isn't high art, but it isn't intended to be. I thought it wildly entertaining, though... I've heard more than one dissenting opinion. The drama behind the climate change action is silly, almost lampoonish. The acting really is terrible, bad enough to the level where it just may be a straight faced joke. Someone Kathy works with owns the dvd and lent it to her. I definitely enjoyed it.

5. Gandhi $9
As it turns out, I've seen this before. I watched this a few days after "The Assasination of Richard Nixon". Cleaned my brain. Gandhi was at the pinnicle of human existance. Clearly on par with Jesus. Highly recommend this film.

It's Not a House, It's a Home

Mor ePictures
My little sister and her husband (damn that sounds strange), John, had their offer accepted on a home in Minneapolis.
Congratulations to both of them... let's hope they didn't pay too much :o)

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Developed Film

This was taken a couple of days after the election. I live on Summit Ave E & Republican... Graciously, someone lifted a portion of the indignity of being near a street that reminds of the political party I have no identity with by tacking "Democrat" over top it. I'm trying not to obsess over our countries loss, the pain goes up and down in intensity. I read an article today on Bush's environmental objectives, the pain is up.



On November 4th Kathy ripened to the grand ol' age of 30. She is clearly overjoyed by this development. Like a bum I didn't make a cake, we bought the piece you see here. Red Silk or something like that. Chocolate dyed with beet juice. Sounds iffy on first thought but whallops your joy buttons with the first bite. Apparently the beet juice muffles the sugar in the cake, a mild chocolate, and aptly described, red silky cake. The sideshot is a photo of Kathy's 30year/old haircut decision. I'm pretty sure she did this so she could easily distinguish photos taken before and after she became solidly adult.

Monday, November 08, 2004

I found this in my wallet

a while ago. Don't know where it came from but like having it around. I'm pretty sure it's good luck.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Newspaper Opinion Piece

Good Op-Ed piece in the NY Times. Good meaning I agree with much of it. Good or not, whatever. The opinions are often liberal, but the news is not.

Friday, November 05, 2004


The past few weeks I've seen 3 movies in the theater; I'm proud to say that they cost me a wee $6 total. I believe that $9 for a movie is ridiculous 90% of the time. Why do they all have to be the same price? How come big budget movie cost the same as smaller ones? I can't help but think that greater than 30% more people would watch a $6 movie than if it were $9.
You know what? I'm gonna try and give ratings to movies, take them for what they are worth, not a whole helluva a lot-->
Rating will be how much the movie is worth spending on. Make sense? Really is not too complicated:

1. I *heart* Huckabees $8-9
Ok, I paid $6 for this one with a discount pass and it was well worth it. I think it is being billed as an "existenial comedy" and if any movie I've seen, this one is. Feel like a young person must have made this. If you didn't like Garden State you won't like this movie; if you liked Garden State you might like this movie, better than 50% chance. I liked it, any film that is successfully unusual is worth something even if a mild headache may appear. Yeah, definitely liked it. It has the pacing and similar texture to a play.

2. Sideways $6-7
I have a few reservations with this movie. From what I've read about it, people are all crazilly in love with it. First, I liked it. I liked what it was going for but it just didn't seem genuine, like the dialogue was written. Of course it was written, but one of it's hooks was this was just real and I didn't buy it. Didn't buy the ticket either, it was a free preview. The same people made Adaptation, Election, and Citizen Ruth. The written dialogue was good, though... however sappy it may sound, it made me think about myself, the life I live, and my insecurites. Here is an article in our weekly on it. Oh, I listened to the writer directer guys answer questions after the screening, they seemed like enough nice guys.
3. Primer $8-9
This was a stunner in a way completely different than the election was, it was good! Again, this was a free prescreening of this movie. The *STAR* rating on IMBD is embarassingly low... embarassing for those that gave it the low marks. I didn't find out till after watching it that the films budget was $7000. THAT IS INSANE. $7000. I know there will be some people rolling their eyes, but I didn't by any stretch of the imagination understand everything that happened. This movie was an amazing achievement. SCi-Fi reality based... er, sci-fi in a real world setting. That's all I can say, I liked it a lot. Wish it only cost $6 to watch it just so more people would see it. Look further, maybe you'd like it too. Just an IDEA.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Sad Day

It is official, Bush won the election.
I really thought that America would have the wisdom to not elect Bush, but as is often the case, I was mistaken. He won because of manipulation of the Christian vote. Jesus is not a part of this man's essence. Jesus was peaceful through and through.
I am disgusted...
Just can't believe it actually happened

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Ohio give us just a little bit of magic.

Cleveland Trash Heads

I Voted did You?

I forgot to write I actually voted. Super action packed ballot. One of the big Seattle only measures is a recall on the recently voter approved Monorail public transit project. NO on the recall. I really hope the Monorail survives, I'd lose some faith in this city if the monorail fades away.
For what it's worth, John Kerry has an early exit poll lead in some key states according to Slate Magazine.

Vote VOTE Vote VOTE Vote

Vote VOTE Vote VOTE Vote Kerry VOTE Vote VOTE Vote
Vote VOTE Vote VOTE Vote VOTE Vote VOTE Vote Kerry

Monday, November 01, 2004

*Big Vote Eve*

Frontline: The Choice 2004 | PBS
Consider watching this tonight. I think it is extremely unlikely that you'll learn anything new about the policies or plans of either candidate tonight. Why not get a better idea of the lives that each of these men have lived?
Frontline: The Choice 2004 | PBS is being broadcast tonight at 9pm on all/most PBS stations nationwide. I saw it last weeks and was impressed. As close to unbiased and nonjudgmental as I've seen outside of factcheck.org.
Hope your voting. Huge vote here, mapped out all my votes last night. Could be imagining it, but I feel like our ballot here has more on it than any I've ever marked up before.

*So glad not to be a pirate anymore. 3 full days, every second in public I was dressed as the pirate pictured below. Exausting. To be honest, my favorite activity while in costume was roaming around various grocery stores, cheapest too... go figure.

*Shaved shortly after midnight last night. Wow, it may look weird, but love my face. It feels sooo good to have smooth skin across my jaw. Sleeping was even sweeter.